Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sorry I have not posted anything in a while. Things have been crazy at our house this week. Daniel Jr. has been sick off and on for over 3 weeks so on Tuesday I finally took him to the doctor for them to tell me he had STREP THROAT!!! UGH!!! I hate that illness because if one kid has it in my house they both get it and then I get it. So I made a lab appointment for Alison that afternoon and sure enough she had it also. So they both were home with me on Wednesday and we did some major disinfecting of the toys and rooms. My house smelled like a hospital.
On Thursday morning I woke up feeling like Crud!! So I called the Doctor to see if I could get in and I guess I was meant to go to the Doctor that day because I got an appointment with my Doctor that morning. They did a Strep test but it was neg. She went ahead and gave me an antibiotic for my sinuses. And it was nice to chat with her about everything since I had not seen her since January. She told me that according to their records I had lost 50lbs since January. So I guess slowly but surely it is coming off.
Ok so now it is Sunday and I am still feeling like crap. I felt the worst yesterday with a massive headache all day long. We had my neice Emma's 4th b-day party to go to at Grandma and Grandpa's house which was nice to spend time with them and let the kids play. Daniel Jr. had fun playing football and swinging on the swing set with Grandpa. Of course I did not have my camera to take any photos of them. He Loved having Male time with him since he has not gotten much of that lately with Daniel working 72 hours a week. Atleast we are all looking forward to Halloween since he took the WHOLE DAY OFF!!! Yeah!!! The kids are counting down the days.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bike Riding 101

OK so on Wednesday afternoon Alison decided that she wanted to learn to ride her bike with out training wheels. UGH!!! As many of you know Alison is quite the drama queen and tends to gripe about any new adventures. So needless to say I was not quite thrilled to try to teach her to ride her bike. But she actually did very well. Jamie started off teaching her and then when she left I continued to help her. Here are a few photos of all the kids trying it out. They are quite comical.

Alison trying to ride with out falling. She did pretty well.

Alison riding her bike with Kayla following her.

Mommy pushing Alison to make her ride.

Little Danieltrying to ride Ryan's Bike.

Friday, October 3, 2008

First Blog

Ok we are going to try this out. It seems to be the thing to do for everyone to be able to know what goes on in our daily lives.
Today Jamie and I decided to take the boys to the zoo. We had talked about it for a couple of weeks and today was the day. The boys were very hyper this morning so we were not sure that it would turn out to be a good day but, I think that they were both excited to get to the zoo.
Jaime, Ryan, Daniel Jr. and I at the KC zoo.
Daniel hugging "Spiderman" at the zoo
Daniel and me riding the Carousel ride at the zoo
The praying Mantis that we saw as we were leaving Africa. (He was kind of scary!!)
Daniel Riding the Carousel ride ( I wonder what he was thinking with that grin.)
Ryan and Daniel standing in the mouth of Frankenstein
Okay that is all the pics of the zoo for now.
This next picture is of the outside of our house. Daniel Jr. and I got out the Halloween decorations this week and went to town decorating the front of the house.
Picture of the outside of our house decorated for halloween