Friday, October 10, 2008

Bike Riding 101

OK so on Wednesday afternoon Alison decided that she wanted to learn to ride her bike with out training wheels. UGH!!! As many of you know Alison is quite the drama queen and tends to gripe about any new adventures. So needless to say I was not quite thrilled to try to teach her to ride her bike. But she actually did very well. Jamie started off teaching her and then when she left I continued to help her. Here are a few photos of all the kids trying it out. They are quite comical.

Alison trying to ride with out falling. She did pretty well.

Alison riding her bike with Kayla following her.

Mommy pushing Alison to make her ride.

Little Danieltrying to ride Ryan's Bike.


Anonymous said...

that was so cute to see the kids trying so hard and cheering each other on. That's one of the great things about being a "community". I love it here!

Juliana said...

Its hard to believe watching her ride now what she looked like starting off!

Jodi said...

Isnt it crazy how fast they get it. I think we are more nervous than they are. But when they are ready, They are ready.